
PENETRON BIOMIC – The Answer to Preserving Our Sewage Infrastructure

Bacterial attack on concrete infrastructure causes an estimated US$ 50 billion in damages every year and has become a major problem for global maintenance efforts.

Microbial-Induced Corrosion (MIC) rapidly deteriorates concrete pipes and manholes in sewage systems. This jeopardizes the structural integrity of overlying construction, such as sidewalks, roads and buildings.

Anaerobic bacteria prevalent in raw sewage generate hydrogen sulphide gas when agitated by the flow of the sewage or in inlet areas. This gas provides nutrition to the air-breathing thiobacillus bacteria present on the surface of the concrete, resulting in the secretion of sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid eats away the cement paste, causing the aggregate to be exposed and the concrete to deteriorate rapidly. As the acid seeps deeper into the matrix, the concrete deteriorates; its pH decreases and attacks the reinforcement steel, ultimately undermining the sewer structures.

PENETRON BIOMIC is an antimicrobial admixture added to the concrete mix at the time of batching. It forms a molecular bond with the concrete, preventing microbial-induced corrosion damage and inhibiting the growth of other product-damaging and odor-causing microorganisms, such as bacteria, algae and fungi.

PENETRON BIOMIC kills 99.9% of the sulfur/acid producing bacteria within 24 hours by means of electro-physical destruction mechanisms that rupture the cell walls of the microbes. This prevents the formation of acid, which would otherwise cause corrosion and deterioration of the concrete element, resulting in Total Concrete Protection for the lifespan of the concrete.

PENETRON BIOMIC is now available from your local Penetron supplier. Click on the image below to view video.

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